How does it work?
Tangar is an indoor navigation system for mobile devices, working on both iOS and Android. It uses the mobile device camera and computer vision technology for positioning you in indoor and outdoor environments with super high precision.
Does Tangar need any other hardware?
Does my phone need a Lidar for navigation?
No, but it will work even better if it does have a Lidar.
What is the precision of navigation and product positioning?
The accuracy is usually better than 0,5 meter. We also offer micro-navigation for high performance guidance and instructions using AR-Core and ARKit, with a few centimeters accuracy.
Does it work on all phones?
Yes, almost all modern smartphones. The system needs ARKit (Apple) or ARCore (Android) in order to work.
Can I use your features in my existing app?
We offer indoor navigation as a stand alone app or we can extend your existing mobile application with AR and navigation capabilities. Contact us for a quote.
What kind of Points Of Interest or data can you show/play in Augmented Reality?
Text, Video, Images, Sound, 3D-models. Basically all kind of media.
What is Tangar Navigator?
Tangar Navigator is a stand alone “all in mobile” solution for creating AR navigation and room spatial aware room experiences. Tangar Navigator is Available for:
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/tangar-navigator/id1625301477
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.Tangar.Navigator&hl=sv&gl=US
Can I use QR codes to help users start the navigation and access the application?
Yes, a short intro video on how to set up QR-codes can be found here:
How do you map (3D-scan) the area or facility?
For large environments we are using a Lidar enabled backpack. For room scale navigation and positioning we are using a mobile phone.
How long does a scan take?
Depending on the building layout. As an example: a 4000 m2 (43 000 sq ft) grocery store is scanned in about one hour (1 hour).
How often do I need to do a new scan?
When there is a significant changes to the building layout or design.
How do you add Points Of Interest or products?
We offer a CMS system/plugin called Tangar Viewer, used for editing spatial/3D-data.
Where can I test it?
Please contact us for your nearest demo location.
Contact us with your question: axel@tangar.io